Showing 2 Result(s)

List of the Most Common Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms

Coping and defense mechanisms are behavioral dispositions we use to cope with life stressors and adverse situations. They are important to our social-emotional functioning and are integral to how we deal with our day-to-day challenges. These coping strategies are relevant for our developmental functioning through the processes of self-regulation, adjustment, and adaption. A coping mechanism …

Career Health School

Strategies of Effective Communication with Students Undergoing a Crisis Situation: Best Practices for Teachers to Utilize in the Classroom

Developing classroom norms and expectations, constantly repeating them to students daily as a reminder, and being consistent with it is one key factor that can help set students up for success from the get-go. However, when it comes to students who may be undergoing a crisis situation in their lives (such as a serious health …