
Numerology: Significance of Numbers 1-9

Each of the single digit numbers between 1-9 represent a spectrum of various energies, each with their own meaning and personality traits which we can use as clues as to how the number effects us. They are symbols which exist all around us and we can understand their influence on our daily lives by understanding their message. They can give us powerful foresight about our future and destiny, our relationships, issues we may be facing or needing to overcome in current situations, and a whole host of other important information that can assist us on our life’s journey.

We can receive these messages through signs and synchronicities which appear in our reality and use them as clues to determine what is likely to happen in our lives, what kinds of things we should be watching out for, or what kind of personal improvements in a specific area would benefit us at this time.

Below I’ve created a “cheat sheet” or a simple breakdown of significant symbols, meanings, messages, strengths, weaknesses, and lessons traditionally associated with numbers one through nine in numerology.

  • NUMBER 1
    • Symbol: Individuality (Will)
    • Meaning: Initiation; New beginnings/endeavors; Movement/Action; Independence; Courage/Bravery; Resilience; Motivation, Leadership, Pioneering/Proactive, Opportunity; Uninhibited; Freedom-loving; Driven to succeed
    • Message: “Embrace new beginnings”, “Never give up”, “Use all your resources and capitalize on opportunities to create the life/future you want”
    • Strength: Ambitious; Self-sufficient, efficiency, capitalizing on circumstances, goal-oriented,  positive outlook, self-determination; Progression; Innovative; Overcoming challenges; Uses setbacks as motivation to improve
    • Weakness: Forceful, Risky (overlooking warning signs), Reckless, Self-centered; Doubtful (harbors deep fear of making mistakes or coming short of its goal, takes minor criticism to heart)
    • Lesson: Become genuinely confident in your abilities and practice trusting others.
  • NUMBER 2
    • Symbol: Cooperation (Peace)
    • Meaning: Partnerships; Relationship; Femininity; Delicacy; Flexibility; Refinement; Grace; Sensitivity; Intuition; Empathic; Inclusive; Loving
    • Message: “There are benefits to working together”
    • Strength: Diplomacy and tact; Teamwork and harmony; Unbiased mediator; Unifying and peacemaker; Offering support and compassion; Balancing power over any situation; Influential (but quiet so it may go undetected)
    • Weakness: Indecisive, Easily hurt, Unassertive and passive (may stay in an unpleasant situation far too long instead of being more direct and efficient)
    • Lesson: Learn to speak up for yourself when your needs aren’t being met.
  • NUMBER 3
    • Symbol: Self-Expression (Creativity)
    • Meaning: Communication/Connection; Unique & Creative Expression (anything that engages the senses like color and music); Fun and Joy; Dreams/Imagination; Charm/Charisma, Attention-Getter; Optimistic; Youthful and positive energy/”The Child”; Original and Unique; Artistic and curious nature
    • Message: “Follow your joy”, “Play more, worry less”, “Appreciate the beaty around you”
    • Strength: Celebrity lifestyle; Thrives in upbeat/engaging atmosphere; Zest for life; Uses talent to attract wide and interesting circle of friends; Social skills, Eager to interact with others; Sharing of ideas; Magnetic personality; Lighthearted; Inspirational
    • Weakness: Naïve; Young & Innocent; Poor decisions; Unfocused/”ADD”, Scattered; Shallow; Prioritizes pleasure-seeking (even though it’s likely to lead to negative consequences or hinder long-term goals)
    • Lesson: Accept and explore deep, difficult topics and emotions to help you on your journey of personal growth. Learn to face the harsher realities of life (instead of trying to avoid the negative). Learn to be more open in order to develop deeper (rather than solely surface-level) relationships.
  • NUMBER 4
    • Symbol: Discipline (Work)
    • Meaning: Stability; Grounded; Strength; Efficiency; Dedication to advancement; Conservative (sticking to what’s tried-and-true); Wise and rational; Sense of security; Consistency: Leads with head over heart; Contentment: Hardworking; Organized; Strict; Traditional
    • Message: “Slow and steady wins the race”, “Stick to the basics”
    • Strength: Mental fortitude; Practical; Loyal; Service-oriented; Dependable; Patient
    • Weakness: Dogmatic (holding too firmly in it’s own personal beliefs), Narrow-minded (strict definition  of right and wrong, sees things as black and white); Rigid; Inflexible; Confident to a fault (always thinking it’s right), Not a great team player; Dull and boring (sticks to traditional ways and chooses work over play); Not interested in trying new things
    • Lesson: Loosen up your mind and methods and realize that love and enjoyment are just as important as duty.
  • NUMBER 5
    • Symbol: Freedom (Change)
    • Meaning: Change; Dynamic/Always in motion, Unpredictability; Curiosity; Experimentation; Doesn’t like routine, Unattached (doesn’t stick to one idea, job, relationship, or situation for long); Craves variety and adventure; Outgoing; Energetic
    • Message: “Don’t be afraid to get out there and explore the world”, “Don’t allow yourself to be tied down; Instead, put yourself out there and learn new things”
    • Strength: Ability to go with the flow; Adapts itself to thrive in different environments and social situations; Emotionally detached, allowing it to easily shift gears towards its new circumstances when things change (whether by choice or chance); Social, doesn’t miss a chance to learn from someone new 
    • Weakness: Uncommitted/Non-committal (doesn’t follow through on projects and promises); Unreliable; Easily distracted; Directionless (wasting time on experiences that don’t serve a purpose); Inconsistent; Can come across as uncaring and incapable
    • Lesson: Spend more time on planning ahead and preparation so that you have higher chances of success. Commitment (rather than a constant need for chance) can lead to a more fulfilling life and can help prevent sabotaging your relationships .
  • NUMBER 6
    • Symbol: Responsibility (Service)
    • Meaning: Harmony/Tranquility; Home; Family; Ability to support, nurture, and heal; Compassion, empathy, warmth; Hope; Unconditional love, embodiment of the heart
    • Message: Take other people’s feelings as a part of yourself, allowing desire and love to flourish. Embrace the principle of oneness to create harmonious relationships.
    • Strength: Devoted; Makes others feel comfortable letting down their guard and opening up about their feelings; Kind; Good listener; Understanding; Protective  (speaking up for those who don’t have a voice, especially loved ones); Romantic, affectionate; Puts time into creating peace and mutual relationships
    • Weakness: Passive (people-pleaser, allowing itself to be taken advantage of or controlled/overpowered); Self-sacrificing (neglecting own wellbeing for sake of harmony), Overlooking self-care that would make it feel balanced; Idealistic (Expects everyone to treat others the way it does, which in its mind, would lead to a perfect world. But that’s not how the real world works. Faces extreme upset when it realizes its ideals are unattainable)
    • Lesson: Don’t over give as you can’t pour from an empty cup. Realize the importance of self-love and acknowledge that your own needs are just as important as others’.
  • NUMBER 7
    • Symbol: Wisdom (Detachment)
    • Meaning: Spiritual Growth; Seeker of truth; Thinker/Philosophical mind; Explorer; Self-analysis; Deep and wise; Perceptive; Mysterious; Reserved; Introspective; Unsatisfied with simple explanations and surface-level relationships; Skilled researcher; Takes on more intellectual approaches to life (like filtering through information) rather than an emotional one; Religion is too limiting for this boundless number; Solitary
    • Message: Connect with all that is deeper and greater than ourselves (i.e. the spiritual realms). There is a deeper meaning behind all things. Finding these higher truths will allow for greater levels of self-awareness, which in turn is essential to being able to seek and find your life’s purpose.
    • Strength: Ability to gain awareness of the subconscious mind (which in combination with conscious thinking allows it to access hidden truths/sacred knowledge); Personal intellectual connection to spiritual world giving its experiences more meaning and mystery; Analytical ‘information sponge’ with ability to sort through and separate what’s useful and meaningful, identifying fact from fiction – allowing it to follow the most valuable wisdom
    • Weakness: Reclusive (lack of social involvement); Secretive; Suspicious
    • Lesson: Be more lighthearted and easy about your life (simplify your life). Don’t be afraid to show the world the real you. Your solitary way of life can lead to blocks and obstacles in your relationships with others.
  • NUMBER 8
    • Symbol: Authority (Power)
    • Meaning: Power, Material; Success; Management; Balance; Confidence; Compromise; Wisdom; Achiever; Good business sense; Accomplishment
    • Message: Great success in life doesn’t come from luck, but with powerful intention, dedication, constant effort, and a prosperous mindset.
    • Strength: Ambitious; On a mission to reach it’s goals; Strategic methods; Dedicated to it’s purpose; Karmic (Gives back with attitude of appreciation); Generous; Great fortitude, capable, patient, determined, confident (willing to go through struggle knowing prosperity is on the other side);  Positive expectation of positive outcomes)
    • Weakness: Materialistic (may come across as a show-off or be it’s intentions often misunderstood); Authoritative (used to being in power in its leadership position but always assumes its way is the right way so tendency to dismiss others’ opinions and ignoring their efforts); May lose the support of other’s even faster than it gained it; Sense of entitlement (so used to getting its way that it now expects it); Doesn’t ask for permission or forgiveness, may disregard rules and limitations imposed upon it, and take matters into its own hands (makes teamwork impossible and drives a wedge in partnerships)
    • Lesson: While you excel professionally, your ego needs some practice in working well with others.
  • NUMBER 9
    • Symbol: Altruism (Compassion)
    • Meaning: Conclusions; Letting go of the old; Global awareness; Universalism; Diversity; Completion of cycles (for new ones to begin); Usher in the process of transition or transformation; Guidance; Empowerment; Messenger of answers from a spiritual source; Humanitarian; First-hand experiences of personal hardships and struggles making it relatable and understanding to other’s negative circumstances (can offer valuable support); Intentions for the greater good of all
    • Message: In a universe based on the law of attraction, what you put out is what you receive back so make sure you are giving what you would like to get back from the universe and those around you.
    • Strength: Awakening (inner wisdom, can assist others to awaken to their higher selves); Leads by example (shows how to handle hardship with grace); Inspirational; Tolerance (healthy lack of judgement and bias, understanding); Supportive (soft heart, willing to help others through their struggles); Knows how to get through challenging times; Valuable source of advise, comfort, and healing for others
    • Weakness: Resentful (due to past unhealed wounds); Sacrificing (giving to a fault); Suffering (prone to negative thinking; history of suffering and trauma has caused it to become normalized to it and therefore difficult to break free from those toxic ways of being and living)
    • Lesson: Don’t be so focused on caring for others that you neglect to care for yourself – this leads to an unbalanced personal life. There’s no virtue in suffering so remember to put yourself first.

Now that you understand a bit more about numerology, embrace yourself for higher levels of self-awareness! If you have any personal experiences regarding this topic, please leave a comment below and share your experience(s) with us.
