
Spiritual Meaning of Healing Crystals: Uses, Benefits, and Symbology

I began to create my own encyclopedia of crystals along with their spiritual meanings originally due to my frustration with the fact that most that I’d come across had too many common crystals missing from the list. So, below you will find a compiled list of some of the most common crystals (gemstones, minerals) along with their healing properties, primary uses, and benefits. They are listed in alphabetical order. In short, the geometric patterns of crystals create vibrations to store and harness specific energies and frequencies. And we can entrain our own energies to the crystals in various ways such as incorporating them into healing rituals and divination practices or wearing them as a piece of jewelry. We can use them to address a specific ailment (whether it be physical or spiritual) so trust your instincts and intuition to see if you may be drawn to a specific crystal which could address a significant need of yours at this particular point in time.

Agate – endurance, strength, support, patience, balancing; harmonizing polar opposite energies, protection while traveling

Types: Blue Lace, Botswana, Fire, Flower, Iris, Moss, Pink, Polyhedroid, Snakeskin, Tree

  • Green Moss Agate – helps to improve ego and self-esteem, providing for emotional balancing and strengthening of positive traits; helps in the acquisition of riches
  • Green Tree Agate – helps with insomnia and gives pleasant dreams; can reverse the energy flow of any chakra, thus removing blockages and illnesses

Amazonite – helps maintain optimism, resolves conflict, removes mindset of victimhood, develops sense of freedom, aids in healing old karma

Amber – promotes flexibility and optimistic mindset; drive and motivation towards success; dispels timidity and doubt, clarification; brings hope and healing, clears emotional baggage including ancestral karma; brings comfort and warmth, light, solar energies

Ametrine – disperses negativity from the aura and fills the voids with energizing and stabilizing qualities of pure light energy; helps release of blockages in the physical, mental, emotional, and auric bodies

Anhydrite – brings mental peace and clarity, improves sense of self-worth, cools hot emotions of anger, bitterness,, hate, and resentment, encourages forgiveness, dismantles stagnant energies, cleanses aura and chakras, initiates spiritual travel , improves meditation, feelings of belonging and connection

Angelite – reduces insecurity and boosts confidence, improves communication, mitigates obsession, phobia, and self-harm, soothes a troubled mind and heals a broken heart, imparts a sense of belonging, promotes clairvoyance and other psychic abilities

Apatite – take on the future, lean into inspiration

Apophyllite – interdimensional travel, contact one’s spirit guides, prophetic vision, provides atmosphere of purity and spiritual presence

Aquamarine – transformation, rebirth (for the new year); “stone of courage”, accelerates the intellectual reasoning process, provides shielding for the aura and subtle bodies, helps one take responsibility for one’s actions and encountered situations

Aragonite – helpful for centering during periods of stress and anger, aid in meditation; provides insight into the basis of problems on the physical plane (problem-solving) and can stimulate communication with higher planes (spiritual development)

Astrophyllite – growth, energy, motivation for change

Aventurine (orange, yellow, green, etc.) – invites luck and wealth, attracts opportunities, forgiveness, personal growth

  • Green Aventurine – balances male/female energies; enhances creativity; facilitates balamcing and alignment of the intellectual, emotional, physical, and auric bodies; protects the heart chakra
  • Yellow Aventurine – calmness, balance; optimism; prosperity; creativity; solar energy

Bismuth – aids in self-reflection, calms and soothes the mind, helps organize a chaotic mind

Bloodstone – protection and grounding; used to increase courage and motivation/determination; boosting your (creative) energy; beneficial for endurance and physical strength; can remove blocks that are keeping us stuck, which can help to revitalize our energy and create a clear path forward

Bronzite – protection, grounding, restores harmony, self-esteem, courtesy, acceptance

Calcite – raising motivation and energy levels, increase positive thinking, discernment ability, taking action towards goals, attuning you to joy; better memory recall and retention of information; eliminates self-doubt, tapping into personal power (willpower) and self-confidence

Carnelian – boosting self-esteem and courage, stimulating sexual energies and creativity; protects against envy, fear, and rage; helps banish sorrow; helps stabilize the energy in the home; can dispel apathy, indolence, and passivity

Celestite – angelic communication, access to higher serenity, gentleness

Citrine – promoting happiness, uplifting energy, brings positivity, increasing feelings of self-worth and self-confidence, attracting pleasure; “the merchant’s stone” assists in acquiring and maintaining a state of wealth; excellent for clearing the aura; does not hold negative energy and never needs clearing or cleansing

Chalcedony – has the power to soothe self-doubt and bring inner peace, and ease you of your worries

Blue Chalcedony – calm, balance, centeredness; inner knowledge; communication

Charoite – revealing of one’s path of service, purging of inner negativity, protection, healing

Chrysocolla – goddess energy, amplifies connection to divine feminine; gentleness of power; expression of the sacred; has the ability to bring harmony; assists with communication (with spiritual forces of the earth); decreases nervousness and irritability; encourages clarity of thought (increase in wisdom) and guides you toward discretion; encourages a neutral, calm attitude during turbulence;  use to purifying the home, environment and the mind; works to eliminate negativity; promotes and enhances physical vitality; stimulates the crown chakra

Chrysoprase – heart healing (types: lemon)


Dalmation Stone – invites joy and humor, brings psychological balance, mitigates skepticism, pessimism, anxiety, and fear

Dumortierite – divine inspiration, enhanced learning capacity, mental discipline; used to open or enhance psychic abilities, facilitates linkage with the Divine Mind, creates an opening for prophetic dreams; helps one to see beyond obstacles, inner guidance

Emerald – inspires generosity, hope

English Gabri – spiritual work, intuition

Fluorite – boosts mental clarity, improving focus and concentration, aid in decision making; stimulating the 3rd eye; guidance towards integration and harmonious co-existence of heart and mind

  • Rainbow Fluorite – has been known as a “stone of discernment and aptitude”, bringing energies of responsibility to the qualities of systemic intuition; helps to see both reality and truth behind illusion; can be used to bring order to chaos

Garnet – grounding, passion, libido boost

Goldstone – charm and charisma; wealth and abundance; positive attitude and energy; strengthens inner-self; motivates creativity; harmony in relationships; brings luck and happiness

Hematite – grounding, protection; aids in blood circulation; “stone for the mind” helps to “sort out” things; provides for a calming atmosphere and enhances mental capability; creates balance between body, mind, and spirit

Howlite – calming, meditation, self-reflection, promoting self-tolerance and acceptance; accessing past lives, links to spiritual dimensions; helps with insomnia

Iolite – invites hope amidst adversity and stress, promotes endurance, helps create positive and lasting change, offers reassurance, softens spite, releases need for control

Jade – trust and health; good luck, material abundance and prosperity; “sovereign of harmony” in mayan culture; also known as “dream stone”, can help you remember dreams and assists in dream recall; brings the user a long and fruitful life

Jasper – balance and stability; self-love; increasing motivation/vitality and connection to higher self; releasing pain and embracing new experiences, change

Types: Bumblebee, Dragon’s Blood, Leopardskin, Mookaite, Ocean, Picture, Red, Yellow, Green, Zebra

  • Dalmatian Jasper – determination, emotional healing, positivity, playfulness
  • Green Jasper – powerful grounding stone, helps one connect with the earths energy; restore harmony and balance; improves control over impulsive thoughts and actions; heal emotional issues
  • Ocean Jasper – physical and emotional healing, coming to terms with emotions; relaxation, release of negativity and stress, peace of mind; positive self-expression, personal will; enjoyment of life; goddess energy; used for emotional release in the solar plexus area
  • Picture Jasper – grounding, connection to earth; helps to access past life information; stimulates immune system, cleanses toxins and pollutants from the body
  • Red Jasper – a magic stone of grounding and stability, providing you with comfort, security, strength, and balance; will help you to reconnect with earth’s grounding energies by creating a stable frequency that matches Muladhara; can assist you with awakening your Kundalini serpent, which lies at the base of your spine, in the center of the root chakra.
  • Yellow Jasper – worn by shaman to provide protection; helps one get grounded in the stabilizing energies of the earth; the ancients revered jasper as sacred and protective during astral travel

Jet (Lignite) – used as a means of tapping into past lives, and past abilities too; used for purification and protection; it absorbs and clears negative elements in the aura; draws out negative deposits


Kyanite – insight, personal development, connection, clear thinking, awakening psychic abilities like telepathy and clairvoyance; dream recall; shifting of emotional blocks; soothing nerves; assists in confident self-expression and connecting to others

  • Black Kyanite – facilitates meditation; will not accumulate or retain negative energy or vibrations; aligns all chakra automatically; provides for grounding during alignment; dispels energy blockages

Labradorite – purpose, getting in tune with your higher calling in life, counteracts escapism and daydreaming, channels creativity into concrete goals, improves abilities to set boundaries, helps overcome emotional sensitivity

Lapiz Lazuli – building healthy relationships and social connections, revealing inner truth and releasing suppressed/repressed emotions, promoting empathy, harmony and honesty; spiritual enlightenment; harnessing wisdom


Lepidolite – stress relief, anti-anxiety, serenity, chill out, (lithium in mica)

Malachite – good luck and prosperity, rebirth, welcoming transformation and change, self-discovery, calms anxiety and PTSD, strengthens willpower, improves relationships, relieves psychological pain and distress, aids manifestation and abundance

MerIinite – magic, intuition, psychic openings, past life recall

Meteorite – promoting introspection, expanding consciousness

Moonstone – inspiration, encouraging free expression; heightening intuition, igniting inner power (empowerment); new beginnings, nurturing, fertility, connection to the feminine; energy is balancing, introspective, reflecting, and lunar; a stone for hoping and wishing; allows one to absorb what is needed from universal energies; a talesman of good fortune

  • Rainbow Moonstone – deflect negativity, clarity and intuition, peace and harmony
  • White Moonstone – mystery, prophetic perception, dream work

Obsidian – protection (against negative energy, psychic attacks), ambition, uncovering the subconscious mind

  • Apache Tear – used in times of grief, it metaphorically “sheds the tears for one in times of sorrow”, promotes a forgiving attitude; shields against negativity
  • Black Obsidian – can help you to release any negative emotions such as fear, stress, and anger, which are very often trapped inside your root chakra; powerful cleansing stone; amazing grounding and protective properties
  • Blue Aqua Obsidian – one of the first stones used in ancient weapons; stimulates throat chakra, communication, and helps in astral travel; extremely protective while traveling; helps with directing knowledge
  • Mahogany Obsidian – release of inner limitations, healing feelings of unworthiness, removes negative psychic implants
  • Snowflake Obsidian – stone of purity; provides balance for body mind and spirit; grounding; aids in release of stressful mental patterns

Onyx – protection (shield against unwanted/harmful energies), strength, will-power, determination, perseverance, self-control, assists us in facing our fears and letting go of the past

  • Black Onyx – initiates centering and alignment of the total person with the higher powers; enhance self-control, wise decision-making, and encourage happiness and good fortune; clear intuitive receiver and help one to see and feel guidance; help one become the master of one’s own future

Opal – brings emotional balance by magnifying and clarifying emotions, clears confusion and doubt, promotes responsibility, transforms rigid energy patterns and releases blockages, helps in embracing change

Opalite – Youth, Going with the flow, Releasing emotional burdens, Brings about positive outlook on situations

Peacock Ore – a stone of happiness, gives message that life is a joy to experience; provides for insight to overcoming obstacles; transforms negative forces by emitting circular energy

Peridot – increase prosperity, success, and abundance in all aspects of life; releasing old habits/patterns which no longer serve you; confidence (boost in self-esteem); forward movement with more ease

Petrified Wood – a “stone of transformation”, provides support during crisis period of a dis-ease, provides insight into “why” the suffering has occurred and the lesson to be learned; also helps in not worrying about the small stuff

Prehnite – curbs avoidance, anxiety, and worry; forgiveness and inner peace, union of heart and mind/will; heal the healer, helps in prioritizing one’s needs and committing to self-care; communication with metaphysical beings

Pyrite – prosperity and wealth, shielding, creativity, cleanses toxicity around you, getting in touch with your authenticity, promotes mental order, clarity, and memory, enhances self-confidence and assertiveness, strengthens willpower

Quarts Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear quartz, Smokey quartz – Healing; promoting peace, calmness, and relaxation; alleviating stress and anxiety, Enhancing psychic powers and connection with spiritual realm; Cultivating unconditional love, compassion, and harmony; Cleansing, boosting immunity, Balancing our thoughts and emotions; Grounding and centering

Types: Garden, Fire, Lithium, Lemurian, Rutilated, Spirit, Tourmalinated, Snow, Strawberry

  • Quartz Amethyst – aids in breaking bad habits and overcoming addiction, promotes serenity, represents alchemy and magic enhances psychic development, promotes connection to higher realms
  • Blue Quartz – activates throat chakra and promotes speaking what is in one’s mind; helps release introversion and fear of reaching out to others; can be used the encourage consideration and thoughtfulness; is helpful in relationships
  • Clear Quartz
  • Rainbow Aura Quartz – healing through the release of resentments, grief, and/or karmic ties; illuminates true life purpose with communication with angels/spirit guides/other teachers
  • Rose Quartz – “stone of gentle love” bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships; used at heart and crown chakras to produce gentleness from within and without; excellent for healing emotional “wounds”
  • Rutilated Quartz – intensifies the power of quartz crystal; it affects the etheric and astral bodies,;during astral travel, it provides insight into the reason for visiting the location and viewing the scenes; it stimulates awareness of the connections between this life and the situations viewed
  • Smokey Quartz – unifying energies directed toward the same goal; used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages; has been used in tribal ceremonies to enhance stability and provide protection from any detrimental forces in the ethereal realm
  • Tourmalinated Quartz – aids in eliminating many “crystallized” patterns which are, or have been, destructive in nature and in one’s own life; aids in adjusting imbalances throughout the bodies

Rhodochrosite – clears the solar plexus and heals the chakras; it will bring painful and repressed feelings out into the open and help you acknowledge them as it helps you release the feelings in a healthy way

Rhodonite – a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart; it grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest/greatest potential; heals emotional shock and panic; aids in cases of emotional self-destruction, codependency and abuse; conveys the resonance of unconditional love to the physical plane

Ruby (in Zoisite) – courage and strength, purging of fear and anxiety; growth, fertility, rebirth

Sapphire – wisdom, awareness

Sardonyx – stability, structure, lucky talisman, grounding, (a type of onyx); strength, courage, happiness, clear communication

Selenite – purifying energies, clearing out bad vibes or accumulated negative energies, boosting intentions, charging other crystals

  • Dessert Rose

Serpentine – useful in the rise of the Kundalini; stimulates an opening in the pathway through which the Kundalini may travel; clears clouded areas of the chakras to stimulate crown; excellent stone for meditation

Sodalite – enhancing communication, wisdom and purification of mind, truth and authenticity, helps you to freely express your personality and stand up for your beliefs and values, clarifies goals

Stromatolites – stone of transformation, assists in emotional healing, removes blockages, meditation stone, teaches us our purpose in life

Sunstone – good fortune; adopting a more optimistic perspective, positivity, and zest for life; increasing self-worth and confidence; magnifies leadership skills and independence, fosters success, motivation to take action and take on new things; increases discernment and helps in making healthy decisions, developing better coping abilities; cures lethargy/weakness/fatigue, heals depression, happiness/joy; manifests warmth and compassion; Used by Canadian Indians who placed it in the center of the medicine wheel to show the spirit guides the connection with the golden white healing light of the sun

Tiger Eye – protection (against negative intentions and evil eye), activating personal power, encourages self-belief (never give up and can-do attitude)

  • Brown Tiger’s Eye – synthesizes the energies of sun and earth; can be used to enhance psychic abilities and gentle attunement of the 3rd-eye – best adapted to “earthy” people; has been used to stimulate and help maintain wealth
  • Red Tiger’s Eye – stimulating and helps overcome lethargy; can provide motivation; in healing it aids in speeding up slow metabolism and increases sex drive

Topaz – reduces tension, soothing, emotional balance, self-awareness, increases positive vibrations

Tourmaline (black) – Purifying, eliminating toxicity, health and vitality, sense of certainty and confidence, grounding and centering, cultivating a deep emotional connection, serenity, enhances resilience, diminishing fear

Types: Black, Pink, Watermelon, Paraiba, Blue, Brown, Green, Purple

  • Black Tourmaline – a powerful stone of protection and one of the best shields against negative energies; a great grounding and empowerment stone, which can help you to overcome challenging situations in life and establish a better connection with earth’s energy; often used in cleansing and purification rituals.

Turquoise – Promotes integrity and honesty, Facilitates clear and concise communication, Invokes calm demeanor, Dissolves apathy and martyrdom, More ease in seeing the bigger picture and gaining new perspectives, revitalization (and recharging the emotional body), clearing blockages and stagnant energies, cultivating hopefulness and optimism, overcoming difficulties, protection from mishaps

Unakite – harmonizes disparate or conflicting thoughts and emotions, invites compromise, strengthens and heals relationships, counteracts self-criticism, promotes inner vision

Vanadinite – power and stamina to see big projects through to completion! Stamina, grounding, creativity, clear thought, organization, determination, energy and vitality


Zoisite (with Ruby) – can create altered states of consciousness; psychic abilities can be stimulated and amplified via the energies of the stone; amplifies the entire energy field of the body; stimulates crown chakra toward spirituality


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