Showing 4 Result(s)

Spiritual Meaning of Healing Crystals: Uses, Benefits, and Symbology

I began to create my own encyclopedia of crystals along with their spiritual meanings originally due to my frustration with the fact that most that I’d come across had too many common crystals missing from the list. So, below you will find a compiled list of some of the most common crystals (gemstones, minerals) along …


Quick Guide to the Uses and Benefits of Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used aromatically, applied topically, or taken internally (ingested). Here is a list which includes some of the most commonly used essential oils. Basil Bergamot Chamomile (Roman Chamomile) Cedar Cinnamon Clary Sage Cypress Eucalyptus Frankincense Geranium Ginger Grapefruit Jasmine Lavender Lemon Lemongrass Lime Orange Oregano Peppermint Rosemary Sandalwood Spearmint Tangerine Tea Tree …